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Education and Training

Millwrights on myplan informs the reader on education requirements and training.Millwrights need a high school diploma and a four years of training as an apprentice. Programs are usually on the job training and it last two to four years. Millwrights only need a high school diploma to become one but employers usually want someone who has gone to a program of industrial technology. Many Millwrights specialize in more than one thing so they can have a wide range of knowledge to help troubleshoot a problem. Some millwrights get sent to a program to help them get a better understanding of mathematics, blueprinting, welding, and computer training. A apprentice requires 144 hours of technical instruction and 2000 hours of paid on the job work. To enter an apprenticeship program millwrights need to be 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and be able to do physical work.

Millwrights do a lot of on the job training instead of a normal college setting.

Millwrights take a test at the end of their training

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